I decided to dedicate this site to my next great creative passion after painting - photography. Yep, photography.
From my teenage years through today, I've had a camera in hand ( 1970's - Kodak 110 Instamatic). Most of the time, I used my photography skills and photos to inform my painting. But, after many years of shooting photos, and many, many 10's of 1000's of photographs (seriously), I realized that I had some pretty good shots thrown in the mix, just sitting in albums, or on CD's & DVD's, with no one getting an opportunity to see them, collecting dust. So, why not post them on my unused blog (also collecting electronic dust)!?
Thus, this new direction.
Thus, this new direction.
Now, I want to take this moment to say that I make no claim to being a professional photographer, and as such, this is just a site posted by a dedicated-amateur-picture-taker.
In addition, I've had quite a few photos sent my way over the years from friends and family, and for the shear kick of it, I edited and "shopped" some of these photos. In such cases, I will make note of the particular picture and proper credit to the original photographer as is appropriate.
I look forward to this new creative outlet, and it's my hope that those of you out there who check this site will find it enjoyable and uplifting.
In addition, I've had quite a few photos sent my way over the years from friends and family, and for the shear kick of it, I edited and "shopped" some of these photos. In such cases, I will make note of the particular picture and proper credit to the original photographer as is appropriate.
I look forward to this new creative outlet, and it's my hope that those of you out there who check this site will find it enjoyable and uplifting.
JJ & Hoppa
So, here we go, let's have some fun...
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