Bahamian Twilight This is the first part of a short 2 part post. I thought I should explain a few things about my recent websites updates. My Website ( ) has taken on a new look and focus as an artist. The direction I'm focusing on as an artist is all about my Romantic Realism work. This is not something I just happened to come up with. It's actually something I been struggling with for a long time. I've been painting in the pointillist style since before 1980 (over 35 years). I've been painting using the romantic style since 1997 (nearly 20 years). The problem is that painting in two distinct styles is actually difficult and confusing, for my self, for galleries and for collectors. I felt that with the recent move and other changes, this was an appropriate time to make a break and focus on just one style. If you're an artist reading this, and you're working in 2 or more styles, my sug...
Creative projects beyond painting