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Showing posts from January, 2012

More From the 1970's

I played a lot with a Kodak Pocket Instamatic110 camera for awhile, but it just didn't do it for me. I shot quite a few cassettes of film. Most of the pictures are not really worth posting and have little value except sentimentally. I posted a few more here simply because they were interesting and well, I can! The following 4 shots are from a day trip I took with an old girlfriend, to New London, Conn. Actually, It was a pretty cool little trip. We took the ferryboat from Orient Point, the eastern most point on the north fork of Long Island, across Long Island Sound. We cruised around a bit, and had some fun. We got to climb around a vintage WWII submarine, see a sub-base and factory. The last 3 are from Fire Island, NY. Coffee Pot Style Lighthouse, of Orient Point, Long Island NY 1977 Old WWII Submarine, New London, Conn. 1977 General Dynamics Submarine Factory, New London, Conn. 1977 Harbor, New London, Conn. 1977 Summer days at Fir...

My Very First Photos

As I noted in my very first posting, my very first photography experience, as the photographer, was with a cheapy 110mm camera. When I look at theses few pictures, which are the best of the bunch, it makes me smile. This was 1976, the year I graduated high school, West Islip, Long Island, NY. I remember that day fairly well, walking around our neighborhood in a snowstorm with this camera just shooting photos left and right. I had never really done that before. I got kinda hook on it.   By the way, look at the difference between the "uncorrected" photo of the dock scene, and the post-processed version, 35 years later. Thank goodness for editing software! These pictures show pretty much my lack of understanding as far as composition is concerned, but it's still fun to look back. Enjoy!   Snow Covered Lane, Winter 1976, 110 mm  Bay Side Dock in Winter, 1976 110mm Corrected on the left and the uncorrected image on the right.    ...

A Fresh Start!

I decided to dedicate this site to my next great creative passion after painting - photography. Yep, photography. From my teenage years through today, I've had a camera in hand ( 1970's - Kodak 110 Instamatic). Most of the time, I used my photography skills and photos to inform my painting. But, after many years of shooting photos, and many, many 10's of 1000's of photographs (seriously), I realized that I had some pretty good shots thrown in the mix, just sitting in albums, or on CD's & DVD's, with no one getting an opportunity to see them, collecting dust. So, why not post them on my unused blog  (also collecting electronic dust)!? Thus, this new direction. Now, I want to take this moment to say that I make no claim to being a professional photographer, and as such, this is just a site posted by a dedicated-amateur-picture-taker. In addition, I've had quite a few photos sent my way over the years from friends and family, and for the shear kick...